Another successful week down and another wicked Sunday WOD was in store! After the brutal beatdown all my NCAA brackets have taken, i had some agression to let loose and CF Football with a touch of my own programming was the perfect combo to help me out!
Today it was literally just Eric and I at said "globo gym" which made for easy use of space, also didn't have to worry about belting out a grunt or two. Ended up dinking around for about two hours but was well worth every minute!
After the gym we went searching for some equipment! Whole town of Fargo and we couldn't find any decent muscle clamps (spring loaded clamps blow ass) or even lifting chalk but we did pick up all the parts to make some sweet paralletes which are much needed! hush hush, we even stopped by a bad lil spot that i couldn't help but envision a CrossFit @...called and left the real estate fella a message...;)
Sunday 03/28 WOD
Power Clean 5x5x3x3x3
15 Power Snathces (105-115lbs)
30 Box Jumps (24")
10 Power Snatches
20 Box Jumps
5 Power Snatches
10 Box Jumps
3x20 T2B (Controlled)
3x10 GHD Back Extenstion (Controlled)
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