Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thirsty for more Thursday!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
DOMS and Improvisation

Ever worked out a particular set of muscles differently than usual and experienced Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome the following day or two? What are you supposed to do if you already have your programming for the week done but now you aren't physically capable of performing it to standard? Well lucky for you and I, CrossFit allows us to improvise anytime necessary!
Monday, February 22, 2010
What are you trying to do HQ?

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Back at HOME
It was another solid day of WOD's! An amazing display by everyone and you just can't replace the motivation you get from one another. The atmosphere that being in a box supplies is irreplaceable and is something that i greatly miss. Thanks for all the support and I can't wait to see you all again very soon!
Saturday 02/20 WOD
Squat Clean 3x3x3x3x3
10 Mins - Every Minute on the Minute Perform
3 Power Cleans (65% 1 Rep Max)
3 Handstand Pushups
Friday, February 19, 2010
Don't Bother with Partial Squats!!!!

A partial squat is one that does not fully achieve a below parallel depth. A partial squat puts undue stress on the knees, neglects the utilization and development of the glutes, adductors, and hamstrings, and generates a significant imbalance between the front (anterior) and back (posterior) sides of the body. A partial squat allows the body to carry and move a load which the spine has not yet developed the capacity to support and move.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
There is no ideal routine! In fact, the chief value of any routine lies in abandoning it for another. The CrossFit ideal is to train for any contingency. The obvious implication is that this is possible only if there is a tremendously varied, if not randomized, quality to the breadth of stimulus. It is in this sense that the CrossFit Program is a core strength and conditioning program. Anything else is sport specific training not core strength and conditioning.
Any routine, no matter how complete, contains within its omissions the parameters for which there will be no adaptation. The breadth of adaptation will exactly match the breadth of the stimulus. For this reason the CrossFit program embraces short, middle, and long distance metabolic conditioning, low, moderate, and heavy load assignment. We encourage creative and continuously varied compositions that tax physiological functions against every realistically conceivable combination of stressors. This is the stuff of surviving fights and fires. Developing a fitness that is varied yet complete defines the very art of strength and conditioning coaching.
This is not a comforting message in an age where scientific certainty and specialization confer authority and expertise.
Yet, the reality of performance enhancement cares not one wit for trend or authority. The CrossFit Program’s success in elevating the performance of world-class athletes lies clearly in demanding of our athletes total and complete physical competence. No routine takes us there.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Trying to stay chipper about Chippers!!!

Tuesday is the day!!! With regional qualifiers in stride, we Might as well stay in stride with CrossFit's mainsite and keep plugging along with some of the CrossFit Games 2009 WOD's. With quite a bit of endurance background, i've always enjoyed the longer WOD's and chippers but after watching this workout during the 2009 Games, I honestly felt bad for the athletes taking part in it. It was painfully sweet to watch, check out and watch the ladies battle!!! This is a chipper to beat chippers and will ask more from your body than you can imagine! For those of you who aren't quite sure what a chipper is, here's a short explanation that should give you nice vivid picture. A Chipper is a string of different exercises done one after, once through for time. It is named chipper because, afterwards you feel like you have been through a wood chipper. If that doesn't give you an idea what it is, I urge you to do the WOD below and then tell me what you think!!! Happy Chipping!!!
155lb Squat Clean, 15 reps
30 Toes to bar
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
15 Muscle-ups
40lb DB Push press / Push Jerk, 30 reps
30 Double-Unders
135lb Thruster, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
300ft Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
Monday, February 15, 2010
How was your Weekend!?

Once again a new week has begun and with it, the dreaded Monday WOD! Why is it that most of us dread our workout on Monday? Monday through Friday we work our asses off, eat right and get our 8 hours of sleep, then 5pm Friday we all of a sudden feel a sense of entitlement and go overboard on what do to our bodies the rest of the weekend! I've found myself in that state of mind time and time again and it becomes just as much of a weekly routine as anything else. The keys to breaking this routine and keeping yourself on track is very simple to say, but difficult to keep in tact. 3 of the most important components are Motivation, Goals, & Accountability. We all should be asking ourselves on a regular basis...What is my Motivation!?...What new Goals can i set for myself!?...and Who can I ask to help keep me Accountable!? One of the coolest thing about the CrossFit Community is how all of these things are tied together in every daily activity we do together. Life is an incredibly tough, if not impossible road to go alone, but only you can make the choice to go at all. CrossFit gives you the tools but only you can decide to use them.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday Shenanigans!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Frozen Tundra!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Rest Day!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Where it all Began and Where will we go!?

Huge shout out today to my Home Away From Home, CrossFit Sioux Falls. I came accross this picture of Chris and I crushing the "FRAN" Challenge and it's just one memory of how far many of us have come in the last year that CrossFit has been part of our lives. Love you guys!!!
Starting the CrossFit buzz in Fargoland!!!