It's been tough going since i began my commute to Fargo, ND from Sioux Falls, SD back at Thanksgiving! I've been away from CrossFit Sioux Falls for almost 2 months now and have struggled to manage my WOD's on my own. Call it lack of dicipline, call it mental weakness, but all in all it's just wicked dificult to get the same results out of a WOD that you do completely by yourself, with the minimal equipment that the local gym has to offer. I've made due the best i can to date and have started this BLOG to help motivate myself to fight it out! As of last week, i'm now fulltime Fargo resident, this BLOG is also to give an outlet to other potential CrossFit'ers in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
Monday 02/08 WOD:
Bench Press 5x5x5
Overhead Squat (95#)
Burpee Pullups
4 Rounds
400m Run
20 Pushups
400m Run
30 Situps
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