Anxious to get the week going again Monday, i did what most of us do right away in the morning...checked HQ site to see what they're doing for a daily WOD. Being on my own up in Fargo, i have the pleasure of picking my own programming which lately i've been mixing mainsite (because it's good to see what others are posting for results and times to compare myself to) and my own stuff together. Here's where the problem presents itself...HQ posted the WOD as a 5k run, well some of us are in the Arctic and running outside is terrible if not actually dangerous...and treadmills are the devil, so...i was forced to run on this tiny little track that the gym i'm currently work out at has! This persisted of 38 laps and my left leg taking all the beating since it was natrually all left hand turns!!! Austin and I fought through the run but I almost passed out due to dizzily running in circles the whole time!!! Man i can't wait for Spring to come...but wait, then i'll have to wear aquasocks when running outside since Fargo will more than likely be flooded again...never ending battle so far! Never the less, we're keepin on keepin on!
Monday 02/22 WOD
5k Run
Tabata Finisher
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