Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Seems like i've read hundreds of blogs and discussion boards about all sort of subjects but the one that I've focused on most is programming. Programming has been an ongoing discussion since the beginning of time, but lately has been a major focal point in the CrossFit arena. Long WOD's, Short WOD's, Chippers, Oly Lifts, Met-Cons, or maybe a mixture of everything!? I think we need to get less interested in exactly what the perfect programming is and get back to the basics of focussing on what CrossFit was founded on...know what I mean? Here's a refresher:

What makes CrossFit's "Routine" so great...

There is no ideal routine! In fact, the chief value of any routine lies in abandoning it for another. The CrossFit ideal is to train for any contingency. The obvious implication is that this is possible only if there is a tremendously varied, if not randomized, quality to the breadth of stimulus. It is in this sense that the CrossFit Program is a core strength and conditioning program. Anything else is sport specific training not core strength and conditioning.

Any routine, no matter how complete, contains within its omissions the parameters for which there will be no adaptation. The breadth of adaptation will exactly match the breadth of the stimulus. For this reason the CrossFit program embraces short, middle, and long distance metabolic conditioning, low, moderate, and heavy load assignment. We encourage creative and continuously varied compositions that tax physiological functions against every realistically conceivable combination of stressors. This is the stuff of surviving fights and fires. Developing a fitness that is varied yet complete defines the very art of strength and conditioning coaching.

This is not a comforting message in an age where scientific certainty and specialization confer authority and expertise.

Yet, the reality of performance enhancement cares not one wit for trend or authority. The CrossFit Program’s success in elevating the performance of world-class athletes lies clearly in demanding of our athletes total and complete physical competence. No routine takes us there.

Wednesday 02/17 WOD

Bench Press 5x5x5
Deadlift 1x1x1x1x1

Double Unders
400m Run after each round

3 Rds Max Pullups

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