Once again a new week has begun and with it, the dreaded Monday WOD! Why is it that most of us dread our workout on Monday? Monday through Friday we work our asses off, eat right and get our 8 hours of sleep, then 5pm Friday we all of a sudden feel a sense of entitlement and go overboard on what do to our bodies the rest of the weekend! I've found myself in that state of mind time and time again and it becomes just as much of a weekly routine as anything else. The keys to breaking this routine and keeping yourself on track is very simple to say, but difficult to keep in tact. 3 of the most important components are Motivation, Goals, & Accountability. We all should be asking ourselves on a regular basis...What is my Motivation!?...What new Goals can i set for myself!?...and Who can I ask to help keep me Accountable!? One of the coolest thing about the CrossFit Community is how all of these things are tied together in every daily activity we do together. Life is an incredibly tough, if not impossible road to go alone, but only you can make the choice to go at all. CrossFit gives you the tools but only you can decide to use them.
"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved"
-William Jennings Bryant
Monday 02/15 WOD
Push Press 5x5x3x3x1
AMRAP 8 Minutes (2009 CrossFit Games)
4 Handstand Pushups
8 KB Swings (2 Pood)
12 GHD Situps
Go gettem' Garrett!