Sunday, February 21, 2010

Back at HOME

I made the trip back to Sioux Falls for this past weekend and i couldn't have had a better time but it is tough to think that i'm am now officially 100% moved to ND. It wouldn't be a trip back without spending a solid 4 hours at CrossFit Sioux Falls with all the great people I've had the pleasure of meeting through CrossFit.

It was another solid day of WOD's! An amazing display by everyone and you just can't replace the motivation you get from one another. The atmosphere that being in a box supplies is irreplaceable and is something that i greatly miss. Thanks for all the support and I can't wait to see you all again very soon!

Saturday 02/20 WOD

Squat Clean 3x3x3x3x3


10 Mins - Every Minute on the Minute Perform
3 Power Cleans (65% 1 Rep Max)
3 Handstand Pushups

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed working out with you Saturday and grilling out afterwards. Let us know when you will be back down in the tropics.

    Keep up the good fight.

