It is common sense to know that every sport has a specific shoe designed only for that sport. the shoe may help enhance performance or help in preventing injuries. Whatever it is, a professional will always make sure he has the right shoe for the task assigned to him. But most people do not think that weightlifting shoes are required when lifting free weights. This is a very common error and most people wear other shoes in the gym, just making sure they are comfortable.
Weightlifting shoes are designed for a reason and, just like any other sport shoe; they help with increasing the athlete's performance as well as provide safety. No one would wear a pair of spikes for a long distance run, and in the same way, it would be rather silly to use running shoes for weightlifting.
The first advantage of weightlifting shoes is that it increases stability by having a raised heel. This raised heel allows bending of the ankle joint while keeping the feet flat on the floor. This bending is done in order to descend to a low height to lift heavier weights. By keeping the feet flat on the ground, a weightlifter does not lose balance and will find it easier to lift the weights in a controlled way.
The Second thing weightlifting shoes do is prevent harm to the body. Damage can occur because of stability loss. The pressure that is exerted on the body is a lot and by doing tasks such as jerks, the body's ligaments can tear if there is no proper base the body can rest on.
Next, these specially designed shoes facilitate fuller activation of the lower muscles. The shoes hard sole does not allow the force which is used for lifting to get dissipated against the floor. Instead, the kinetic energy that comes from the feet is channeled to lifting the weights. These shoes help use all the force which is produced to lift the weight so that it becomes easier for you to lift.
Another important aspect of weightlifting shoes is the grip. The sole of the shoe must have neoprene or crepe so that you do not slip or lose balance while lifting heavy weights. These shoes must be flexible in nature because the weightlifters feet bend and straighten quickly while doing weightlifting exercises. A flexible shoe also allows some elastic energy to be stored which is caused by the quick bending and straightening. But because a weightlifting shoe bends so much the pressure might push the foot in an angle which will make a person slip. This is why a weightlifting shoes grip is so important.
Now that you've read all about the benefits of weightlifting shoes, you might want to consider picking up a pair for yourself and feel the difference. You'll be more balanced while lifting weights and will perform a lot better.
-Article take from http://ezinearticles.com/?Benefits-of-Weightlifting-Shoes&id=3914920
Here's a great site i found that reviews a bunch of the popular weightlifting shoes out right now:
www.buyweightliftingshoes.com, and yes i did order my Rogue D-Wins today!
05/14 Friday WOD
Power Cleans 5x5x5
Shoulder Press 5x5x5
Weighted Pullups 6x6x6
150 Wall Ball shots for time